防靜電特殊耐溫阻熱板 Antistatic Heatproof Slab FP- |
Item No. |
FP-3030 |
FP-3040 |
FP-3060 |
FP-3120 |
FP-90180 |
Description |
30 x 30 cm |
30 x 40 cm |
30 x 60 cm |
30 x 120 cm |
90 x 180 cm |
<< Other customized 其它訂製尺吋 >> |
Specification :
* Material : HI LUC N (DH-N) Calcium siliceous
* Thickness: 6 mm ; ( 8mm/10mm order accept )
* Resistance : 10e8 ~ 10e10 Ohm
Feature :
* Temperature-proof, resist-heat, thermal bake
endurable 300oC over 8 hours, non-distortion.
* Low conduction heat.
* The product surface is forming through high
pressure and handling to cause the smooth-level.
* Good heat-resistant and exceedingly good fire-proof.
Application :
* Use for the met of the various machine or equipment
which need heat-proof or fire-proof. Or carry slab.
* Use for residential, office public building…etc.
the inside wall, ceiling, roof-ceiling of all architecture.
* Use for the ceiling and wall which limited by inside decorate.
標準性能 ( Standard Property ) : |
* 材 質 : 矽酸鈣板 (簡稱 DH-N)
* 厚 度 : 6 mm ; ( 8mm/10mm 可訂製)
* 阻 抗 : 10e8 ~ 10e10 Ohm
特 色 :
* 耐溫阻熱板可承受300oC 超過8小時
以上的熱烘, 不變形, 低導熱。
* 產品表面係經高壓成型處理,平整光滑,
* 隔熱性佳,且具優異的防火性。
用 途 :
* 各式需耐高溫機器及設備用墊子或運送板。
* 住宅,辦公室,公共場所等建物的內部牆壁
* 受內部裝潢限制的天花板,牆壁亦可使用。 |
Specific gravity
比 重 |
Curve strength (Kgf/cm2)
彎曲強度 |
Size change rate (%)
尺寸變化率 |
Water contain rate (%)
含水率 |
Heat conductive rate
熱傳導率 Kcal/ cm2 |
0.8 |
120 |
0.08 |
12 |
0.1 |
無塵室 / 防靜電 工作桌 Clean room / Antistatic Workbench |
- 種 類 :
- a. 不銹鋼桌面椅腳.
- b. 防靜電塑合面板 / 電度椅腳.
- TYPE :
- a. Stainless table / feet
- b. antistatic laminates table/
- chrome plated feet
- < 可依客戶需求訂製 Custom-made available >
桌上型吸煙機 Bench top Smoke Absorber |
* An efficient powerful fan provides better
performance on smoke absorption at low noise.
* Filtration is accomplished with an activated
carbon impregnated urethane foam filter and
easily replaced.
* Highly recommended to the factory without
exhaust equipment, the product lines and the
laboratories where the procedures of
de-soldering are needed. |
* 採用高效率活性碳濾網
* 風扇噪音低吸力強
* ESD 防靜電 |
Model No. |
Description |
SDR-20-110 |
110~120V |
SDR-20-220 |
220~240V |
座立式放大鏡工作燈 Stand type magnifying lamps |
* 放大鏡 Lens : 5" , 127ψ
* 倍 數 Multiple : 5X, 8X
* 電 力 Electric : 110V OR 220V
* 燈 管 Light tube : 22W |
Part No |
Description |
110 / -220 |
5X, 110-120V /
120-240V |
110 / -220 |
8X, 110-220V /
120-240V |
5 倍夾桌式放大鏡工作燈 5X Arm type magnifying lamps |
* 放大鏡 Lens : 5" , 127ψ
* 倍 數 Multiple : 5X
* 電 力 Electric : 110V OR 220V
* 燈 管 Light tube : 22W |
Part No |
Description |
SRD-31-110 |
5X magnifying lamp clamp metal
type white color 110-120V |
SRD-31-220 |
5X magnifying lamp clamp metal type
white color 220-240V |
5 倍夾桌式放大鏡工作燈 5X Arm type magnifying lamps |
* 放大鏡 Lens : 5" , 127ψ
* 倍 數 Multiple : 5X
* 電 力 Electric : 110V OR 220V
* 燈 管 Light tube : 22W |
Part No |
Description |
SRD-32-110 |
5X magnifying lamp clamp metal
w/cover white color 110-120V |
SRD-32-220 |
5X magnifying lamp clamp metal
w/cover white color 220-240V |