型號與厚度 Model No. / Thickness : TG-300C - 3mm / TG-500C - 5mm |
* 地 板 特 色 :
- 整體導電;電阻在10e4~8歐姆之間可依適
- 無毒且符合環保標準
- 抗壓, 耐磨性佳
- 無塵, 無接縫, 不藏污垢, 易清理
- 耐候, 耐溫差, 持久性長且不變質
- 經濟實用
* Features Of Tile :
- Constantly conductive : the resistance can be adjusted
between10e4~8 Ohm , according to the functional
- No toxic. Meet the environmental regulations.
- Compressible and worn-out resistant.
- Seamless, dust-free, easy to clean.
- Weathering resistant, no change from the variation of
temperature durable and consistent.
- Economic
* 用 途 :
- 半導體工廠之製造、組裝、檢驗場所。
- 電子工廠之生產、組裝、實驗及測試
- 放置爆裂物或易燃物之場所。
- 電信公司 (機房)。
- 醫院手術房。
- 無塵室、電腦室、資料室。
* Application :
- Manufacturing, assembling and inspection factory of
semi-conductor company.
- Producting, assembling, laboratory, and test place of
electronic product.
- Place to handle explosives and flammable gas.
- Telecommunication corporation
(electronic switching room, etc.)
- Operation room of hospital.
- Clean room, computer room , Access floor.
- * 耐化性能 :
- 硫酸 10% , 硝酸10% , 鹽酸30%,苛性鈉 40%.
- * Chemical Resistant Property :
- Sulfuric Acid- 10%, Nitric Acid- 10% , Hydrochloric
Acid - 30% Sodium Hydroxide - 40%
* 測試能力 Test Result : |
測試項目 Test Item |
測試條件/方法 Standard Code/ Condition/Method |
規 格 Specification |
Compression Resistance |
ASTM D695, SEC 6~ 11 |
500 kgf / cm2 以上 over |
Worn- out |
以CS-17 砂輪荷重500g, 迴轉1000 次
CS-17 sand wheel, 500g, 1000 round |
0.1 g 以下Less than 0.1g |
Conductivity |
兩電極間距約3呎 以100V電阻計測試
Using 100V resistor meter, place 2 electrodes about
3 ft apart |
2.5 x 10e4 ~1.0 x 10e6 Ohm |
◎ 剖面圖/施工層次 Profile/ Construction Layers : |
導電樹脂面層 Conductive Top Layer |
導電樹脂上層 Conductive Epoxy Motar |
佈銅箔網 Thin Copper foil Net |
樹脂底層 Epoxy Primer |
地台(水泥地) Substrate (Cement) |